What Do You Need to Know about Countertop Chillers?

Nov 04,2024 - 11:26  Reading:171

Hi, good morning. If you want to know about countertop chillers, you need to focus on knowing about their size, capacity, refrigeration performance, energy consumption, as well as the brand and after-sales service.
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The details are introduced to you as follows:

I. Size and Capacity

The size of the countertop chiller needs to match the space where it will be placed. Usually, their width ranges from 50 to 90 centimeters, the depth is about 40 to 60 centimeters, and the height is within the range of 60 to 90 centimeters. However, different brands and models may vary.

Consider the space around the chiller. There should be sufficient ventilation space. Generally, a gap of at least 10 to 15 centimeters should be reserved on both sides and at the back. This is beneficial for heat dissipation and can avoid affecting the refrigeration effect and the service life of the equipment due to poor heat dissipation.

The capacity is usually measured in liters (L), ranging from about 30L to 150L. If you only use it to store a small amount of beverages, cosmetics, or medicines, etc., 30 - 50L may be sufficient. But if you need to refrigerate more items, such as small cakes, freshly cut fruits, etc. for small gatherings or other occasions, you may need to choose a chiller with a capacity of more than 100L.

II. Refrigeration Performance

Generally speaking, the temperature of the countertop chiller can be adjusted between -8°C and -10°C. It is important to know whether it can reach the precise temperature you need. For example, some medicines may need to be stored in an environment of 2 - 8°C, and some beverages taste best when drunk at 4 - 6°C.

Check the temperature adjustment method. Some chillers are adjusted by simple knobs, while others use digital temperature control, which can set the temperature more precisely. Moreover, pay attention to whether the chiller has a temperature display function, so that you can easily check the internal temperature at any time.

The uniformity of refrigeration should not be ignored either. The temperatures in all corners inside should remain relatively consistent to avoid local overcooling or overheating situations. This is especially important for storing items that are sensitive to temperature, such as some high-end skin care products. If the temperature is not uniform, it may affect their quality.

III. Energy Consumption (Check the Energy Efficiency Rating)

The energy efficiency rating usually ranges from Level 1 to Level 5, with Level 1 indicating the most energy-efficient. Chillers with a high energy efficiency rating can save electricity bills in the long-term use. For example, a chiller with Level 1 energy efficiency may save 20 - 30% of the electricity bill compared to a chiller with Level 3 energy efficiency each year.

The power generally ranges from 50 to 200 watts. The power level affects energy consumption and is also related to the refrigeration speed. Under the premise of meeting the refrigeration requirements, a lower power means lower energy consumption. However, a chiller with a lower power may have a slightly slower refrigeration speed.

III. Brand and After-Sales Service

The Nenwell brand has a better reputation in refrigeration technology, product quality control, and user service. It has years of experience and a good market reputation in the field of refrigeration equipment.

After-sales Service: Good brands usually provide a 1 - 3-year warranty service and have a complete after-sales maintenance network across the country. When there are problems with the product, being able to get professional maintenance services in a timely manner can relieve you of your worries.

Thank you for reading. Next time, I will share with you how much high-performance chillers cost.