The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator)

Sep 13,2023 - 14:46  Reading:1113

What are the three types of refrigerator evaporators


Evaporators play a pivotal role in commercial refrigeration systems by absorbing heat to uphold a consistently low-temperature environment within the refrigeration unit. In our production of coolers and freezers, we employ three main types of evaporators: skin evaporators, roll bond evaporators, and fin evaporators, each serving specific cooling needs. The basic function of a refrigerator evaporator is to remove heat from the air, water, and other items inside the refrigerator. The refrigerator evaporator acts as a heat exchanger, which aids in transferring heat from items and making it cool.


When you think about the different construction types of refrigerator evaporators, you’ll find three construction types. Let’s take a closer look at each type.

The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator)

The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator) 


Roll Bond Evaporators


Roll bond evaporators, conversely, are produced by rolling two aluminum plates into a rectangular configuration. These evaporators present a cost-effective choice suitable for both household and commercial refrigerators, featuring a prolonged lifespan and straightforward maintenance. However, it's important to note that their cooling effect may not be as uniformly distributed as some other types of evaporators.

 The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator)



Fin Evaporators

 Fin evaporators are composed of an array of small metal plates arranged in a elongated strip shape. They find extensive application in large-scale commercial refrigeration systems and supermarket display cabinets. The key benefit of fin evaporators lies in their capability to deliver a consistent and even cooling effect. However, it's worth noting that they typically come at a higher cost compared to other evaporator types.

The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator) 


Bare Tube Evaporators

Bare evaporators, also referred to as tubular evaporators, are crafted from tubular metal and are intended for mounting on the rear or side of a refrigerator unit. These evaporators are commonly employed in household and small beverage coolers, where they deliver a consistent cooling effect. However, they are less suitable for larger commercial refrigeration systems, such as two or three-door commercial fridges.

 The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator)

The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator)



Comparison Chart Among the Mainstream 3 Types of Evaporators:

Roll bond evaporators, Fin evaporators and Bare tube evaporators







Place Installed

Defrost Type


Applicable to

Roll Bond Evaporator


Aluminum / Copper

Lined in cavity



Fan Assisted   Cooling

Bare tube Evaporator


Aluminum / Copper

Embedded in Foam



Static / Fan Assisted Cooling

Fin Evaporator


Aluminum / Copper

Lined in cavity



Dynamic Cooling


Nenwell Select the best evaporators for your refrigerator


Selecting the ideal refrigerator with the appropriate evaporator requires thoughtful consideration of factors such as cabinet size, desired cooling temperature, ambient operating conditions, and cost-efficiency. You can entrust this decision to us, and we will provide you with the optimal proposal at the most competitive cost.

The Difference Among Roll Bond Evaporators, Bare Tube Evaporators and Fin Evaporators (for Commercial Refrigerator)